Unleashing Creativity with Technology

America's Next Top Model Social

After leading the creative pitch that won the account, I began Art Directing (and a year later Associate Creative Directing) the social media marketing efforts for VH1’s America’s Next Top Model. It was a massive campaign with several phases, and a huge audience that lead to several awards for Fanbase Cultivation, and an innovative Live Social Episode that allowed the audience to engage with the cast and give creative direction during the photoshoot.

We worked closely with show talent and the marketing team at VH1 to nail every aspect. Having been involved in both pitching the work and overseeing it’s completion with an amazing creative team at GLOW to count on, it stands as a project I am truly proud of.

Client: VH1

Agency: GLOW

2017 Role: Art Director

2018 Role: Associate Creative Director

Dates: Fall 2016 - Spring 2018